Writing and Reading
I have loads of notebooks from over the years and while I find that I have been repeating myself as if I am asking the same questions, I know that I still haven't found the answers that I'm looking for.
Recently I've been reading books in a different way or rather I keep a piece of paper at the back and note the page number when I find a turn of phrase that I think expresses that longing or a possible answer to the questions that I have.
Perhaps I am looking for answers but also find a pleasure in the recognition of an emotion or sensation or experience in the act or deeds of another.
I have a strange aversion towards reading fiction by female authors almost as if I won't be able to identify with the characters that they have written because they are not men themselves. Whilst not a strict rule it is one that I seem curiously to stick to.
My intake of fiction also goes through various spurts of reading to periods where I will stop or read parts of Art books again maintaining the habit of noting interesting passages by the page number. Again this interest in art and the process I think is tied to this quest for answers.
There are certain writers of whom I will read their books as soon as they are published but I am overwhelmed by the sheer volume of books that often I don't know where to start in the fiction department.
I have friends who feel I should consider pursuing some sort of writing but I don't have a story to tell at this moment in time.
I'm not sure if this is the kind of thing that I'm meant to be writing in regard to being tagged but I did enjoy giving it some thought.
What I do know about blogging is that I enjoy the process when in the case of this post I have made this text up as I go along like a freeform ramble.
Recently I've been reading books in a different way or rather I keep a piece of paper at the back and note the page number when I find a turn of phrase that I think expresses that longing or a possible answer to the questions that I have.
Perhaps I am looking for answers but also find a pleasure in the recognition of an emotion or sensation or experience in the act or deeds of another.
I have a strange aversion towards reading fiction by female authors almost as if I won't be able to identify with the characters that they have written because they are not men themselves. Whilst not a strict rule it is one that I seem curiously to stick to.
My intake of fiction also goes through various spurts of reading to periods where I will stop or read parts of Art books again maintaining the habit of noting interesting passages by the page number. Again this interest in art and the process I think is tied to this quest for answers.
There are certain writers of whom I will read their books as soon as they are published but I am overwhelmed by the sheer volume of books that often I don't know where to start in the fiction department.
I have friends who feel I should consider pursuing some sort of writing but I don't have a story to tell at this moment in time.
I'm not sure if this is the kind of thing that I'm meant to be writing in regard to being tagged but I did enjoy giving it some thought.
What I do know about blogging is that I enjoy the process when in the case of this post I have made this text up as I go along like a freeform ramble.