Is looking for work like dating?
You know or at least most of the time when you're wasting your time in the pursuit of somebody and when its time to give up the ghost. Although there are some schools of thought that insist persistence is the key and will win you the job or the girl.
Its rare in life that is exasperation that anybody would ask another person 'Am I wasting my time here?'. I don't think I've ever done it either although I've felt like asking many times.
You can gild the lily and elaborate upon what you have or what you present to try and get what you want. Ultimately it might just come down to personality or is still ability?
Its probably not just one thing that decides such things but I gotta know 'Am I wasting my time here?.
Its rare in life that is exasperation that anybody would ask another person 'Am I wasting my time here?'. I don't think I've ever done it either although I've felt like asking many times.
You can gild the lily and elaborate upon what you have or what you present to try and get what you want. Ultimately it might just come down to personality or is still ability?
Its probably not just one thing that decides such things but I gotta know 'Am I wasting my time here?.