Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Introvert, Isolated and Introspective

Introvert, isolated and introspective do they all feed one another or are they all a product of finding oneself or feeling or experience a sense of isolation which leads to introspection and turns the individual into an introvert?

ISOLATION (physical &/Or mental from others) ↔ INTROSPECTION ↔ INTROVERT

Is this a circular state of being or can certain aspects be detached from the equation and be approached from different states of being.

Pseudo philosophy 101 ;)


Blogger Devil Mood said...

I have the feeling that this is already beyond the 101.

11:01 PM  
Blogger pandave said...

Devil Mood just may be right.
that said, introspection may lead to BREAKOUT! a decision that there is a bunch out there that can be done and enjoyed.

or isolation can lead to the completion of a 2000 piece jigsaw puzzle.

3:38 AM  

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