Saturday, June 20, 2009

Am I anybody's type? Or is anybody my type?

Sometimes I wonder am I actually going to be anybody's type anymore in the distant past I was the type of boy for some girls but then that has long since passed and now I don't seem to be anybody's type. Or do we end up becoming to set in our ways that we expect others to just tolerate our foibles and agree with us or does the fight and effort just decrease the longer you spend on your own watch?

The flip side of the question is also do I actually have a type? The thing that I find interesting is that often other people's girls seem that much more attractive probably because they're not plagued with the anxiety of trying to impress you or in trying to find the one for them.


Blogger kimberlina said...

i think that as we get older, yes, we get more set in our ways. but i also think we are more tolerant of other people's foibles.

5:18 PM  

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