Friday, January 30, 2009

Another path

Well, I started my part-time job at the start of the year and actually enjoy the tasks that some might even call menial but they keep in an environment where I feel increasingly comfortable. They should just pay me in art supplies after all that's where it ends up going!

I am starting to produce a few prints that I feel are on the way to being not bad at all and starting to know my way around a couple of the processes.

I don't what it is or maybe its the fact that I'm starting to enjoy myself and my confidence is following but people are looking to me for opinions and advice. I don't know the answers but I guess its flattering to be asked how to do this or that. Sometimes I wonder if I could have been an actor, so convincing to others that I'm in control and full of knowledge when really I'm not always that sure.

Part of that is probably not trusting myself which is a lack of confidence on my part but it would have good to have been an actor...imagine if I'd become the next Doctor Who then my mother could say both her sons are doctors!

Running away from the real world has been absolutely and unequivocally the best thing for me and I've been fortunate enough to have found people and a place that encourages me to learn and to put into practice ideas.


Blogger Devil Mood said...

It sounds very good!
I guess gaining confidence gives us an aura of positive vibration and that's usually what people are looking for. In the end it's all a vicious cycle because it gives you more confidence and satisfaction. :)

haha two doctors!

1:08 AM  
Blogger pandave said...

You would be surprised how many people are "actors". I myself often pretend that I know where I am going when in fact I have absolutely no clue. I just hope that I get there.
This sounds great! I'm glad you are enjoying it and I am even happier that you are getting art supplies - this means more of your great art is on the horizon.

hehehe Dr Who

11:23 AM  

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