Sunday, January 04, 2009


We're told not to compare ourselves to the lives of others but since the invention of Facebook you can investigate the lives of others by seeing the pictures that they post. There are people I went to school showing off their cars and families and I wonder why I didn't go after these things too.

What is the measure of a man? I don't actually aspire to the things that these people have achieved but why don't I want a wife, children, a home and such things?

Am I afraid? Why don't I chase these things? What is it that I want from this life?

I don't know if I've settled into a life of mediocrity or a life of cowardice or is this the life that I have chosen regardless of what I do?


Blogger Christopher D. Bate said...

I would rather have a different, more forfilling life than an ordinary one. Most of my old school friends have become dull. Dull lives. Dull jobs. Dull. Dull. Dull.
I decided to stray off the path and take some risks, some of which pay off. I'd rather live a ramshackle, creative life than try and fit in with the drones. I've decided to swap cars and kids for a life of surprises. I'm rambling.

11:28 AM  
Blogger pandave said...

There are wise sayings about the road less travelled and beating out a path for oneself. i would say that perhaps you are a trailblazer. but sometimes even when you are living your life based on what you want, it is only human that sometimes we stop and ask - hey, i'm not like everyone else, is that wrong?

i say - you keep blazing!

5:25 AM  

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