Saturday, March 31, 2007

Saturday morning musings...

Is it all about love?

Is love what really keeps us going? Is love that which inspires us? Is it love that we all strive for in our lives?

If it's not in our lives we live our lives in hope that we may find it.

It seems to be the thing that everybody is looking for and is a multi million pound/dollar/yen industry...the notion of love and contentment is what ties us to this earthly realm.

Plastic surgery and anti-ageing are done for vanity to maintain our appearance for 'love' or the chance to find love.

Is love different from intimacy ot is intimacy a vital ingredient in the make-up of love?

I think about the films and the fiction that I have read and ultimately all characters are looking for love.

Take 'Good Will Hurting' for example he needs a paternal figure to show one kind of love and resolves his life on a note of optimism and off Will goes onto an open road because he has to 'go see about a girl'.

Or The many songs have 'love' in the title...'Love me do', 'P.S. I love you', 'All you need is Love'...

Is it love that we are looking for?

Is love a cure to all ills? Does it make the world a better place?

Is this the human condition?


Blogger Devil Mood said...

How about that Crouch, heh? ;)

I've thought about this in the past too and, yes,I think it's love. But if it was just love, no one would be miserable.
I think some people are looking for power - the money gives them power and recognition, not just love. Or maybe the ones that seek power are the ones that never had you might have a point there. Love is all you need :)

6:27 PM  
Blogger missy said...

It's important to love oneself first...

1:24 AM  
Blogger guinevere said...

Yes. Yes. and Yes.
It is love.
It has to be.
Love makes me happy.
Love makes me sad.
Love makes me angry.

6:08 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

I'm with missy. When you don't love yourself you allow yourself to get drawn into loveless relationships or, even worse, wind up sabotaging good ones. Trust me, I know.

9:11 PM  

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