Sunday, February 25, 2007

How do you decide where to live?

1) How do you decide where to live?
2) With no fixed job how do you know where to move to?
3) How did you find your current accomodation?
4) Did you know your housemates before you moved in?
5) Would you prefer living alone or to share?


Blogger Eric said...

Right now...

1) I don't.
2) The parents drag me wherever at their whim.
3) Luck.
4) Too well.

10:29 PM  
Blogger madelyn said...

I just move to Vancouver and
take the ESL course at
UBC and enjoy the fabulus
bc culture with my new friend

2:57 AM  
Blogger Devil Mood said...

I agree with Eric, I suppose. I never really decided anything, I just live here and, at the moment, I'm okay with it. Being alone would be good sometimes but I don't like being to isolated either.
Being an only child, I thnk I'd freak out with a roommate.

6:35 PM  
Blogger Cathy said...

Go with your heart and your gut; what are they telling you?

2:41 AM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

2 sometimes decides 1.
3 craigslist, and I like 2 of the 3 a lot.
4 no. but except that 1, it's working out pretty well
5 i have the best of both worlds...a lot of my very own space, but people to share chores, fix broken things, and have a beer with when I feel like it.

4:15 AM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

1. where you feel at home
2. where you fancy and where you think there might be job opportunities
3. newspaper advertisement
4. not properly, but I "interviewed" them
5. after sharing with strangers I've decided that I need to live alone or with someone I can be myself with 100% of the time and I don't mind seeing/being seen naked

7:03 AM  
Blogger pandave said...

okay related to where i am now:
1) bought an almanac on places to live in the us and, while staying with my brother in freezing massachusetts, decided on san diego, mainly because of it's fabulous weather.
2) i was starting anew so i had no fixed job, i was just going to go and figure it out when i got there... somehow.

regarding 1&2 - a couple of weeks before my move to san diego (had picked out accommodation and contacted a temp agency) i went to nyc for the weekend and never left.

3) bumped into a college buddy in a bar that i had never been to before and neither had she. at some point she had an extra room (her roommate had moved) and i needed a new place to live...
4) see 3.
5) i love living with my roommate, i have hated living with others. i am very difficult to live with, apparently. and even though my roommate has been technically living in nigeria for the last couple of years, i have not been able to live with anyone else. i love my me space, but i also reallyu liked living with her.

5:10 PM  

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