Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Today I feel...

tired and tetchy.

Do other people have one friend who seems to suffer from 'honesty Tourette's'?

They mean no harm but their blunt and honest way of talking can be a bit too much sometimes. I'm not saying everybody should baby me or be overly sensitive or compliant to my wishes...its just sometimes tact is the order of the day.

How do you point this out to somebody without offending them or getting a blunt object actually phsically making a point on you?

Despite not meeting up, I did think I might call my 'honesty Tourettes's' friend up for coffee but then decided I couldn't cope with the anticipated bluntness.

Does that make a coward or a bad person?


Blogger Pepsicology said...

I'd call him and tell him: "How about meeting up for a coffee in a different way, like acting a bit more false? it is for an experiment you know so instead of saying straightforward what we think we comment on the positive aspects, kind of lying and stuff". Hey! you will be making him a favour, he probably won't realise until later but then it will be too late: he will be probably feeling too well ;-)

P.S.: of course those lyes will be only on his extra-honest mind, they could be his first worthy words to you in a long time.

6:38 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

I think it makes you a smart person, rather than a coward or a bad person. I certainly have friends I enjoy seeing, but am not always "up" to seeing.

I think honesty (truth vs. untruth) is always the best policy, but truth can be tactful and kind. Sometimes a mood should be indulged (or left alone) and sometimes a kick in the pants is needed. The trick as a friend, is being intuitive enough to know what is needed when. Those friends are few & far between and the ones you can call on (and who can call on you)always.

Keep getting out there in the world (we like your photos!), even if some days it's tougher than others. :)

7:14 PM  
Blogger x said...

i think truth has no value whatsoever if you can't offer it in a way that can be understood and appreciated by the other person.

12:19 AM  
Blogger Cathy said...

visiting from Chloe's site; read your post and I think you read my mind today.Very similar thing happened to me...I keep going back and forth between the truth hurts and why the hell did she say that?....

1:05 AM  
Blogger kimberlina said...

screw tactless people. it doesn't hurt to be sensitive, or take any more energy.

though, i admit to wanting to be tactless to a co-worker who has the most god-awful breath! :p

2:10 AM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

My aunt is a bit like that and I've always found that you just have to give as good as you get with her. She never means to be vicious so when I come back with an equally honest comment we can usually laugh it all off.

11:15 AM  
Blogger miss goLondon said...

how do you define friendship, and does this person fit, or is it guilt b/c you have known each other for awhile? Chloe's comment is very wise. be honest about his lack of tact, and how it makes you feel. his response will tell you how much of a friend he is willing to be.

6:01 PM  
Blogger missy said...

I say look deep for the inner honest boy in you and give him a dose of some truth about him.

7:31 AM  
Blogger Pepsicology said...

Or whatever works for you and make you feel better Finn, that most probably will be right, trust your gut :-)

10:44 AM  

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