Sunday, November 13, 2005

I don't get it...

I don't get it...'Lord of the Rings' is on TV, the second one, I know its supposed to be good but I've fallen asleep three times in the first hour so I have come to attend to my Blog instead.

I saw the first one in the cinema but didn't see the next two.

'Star Wars' I ve seen all the films more than a few people fall into a 'Lord of the Rings', Middle Earth or a galaxy far, far away category?

Me...I'm most definitely looking for a ship that will the Castle run in 12 par secs and I'm going to make the jump to hyper space.


Blogger Stephanie said...

I really liked the LOTRs movies, but yes, they take forever and make me tired (all the running...and the questing...and the running) Is the 2nd one the one with the big sloooooow tree people - the ents? I forget.

I am looking forward to a few movies in theatres this month - the new Pride & Prejudice (i'll see it, even if it turns out to be horrible) and the Johnny Cash movie.

11:50 PM  
Blogger lady miss marquise said...

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1:19 PM  
Blogger lady miss marquise said...

I am both a tried and true Star Wars and LOTR geek. I do have issues about the LOTR movies however, and the new Star Wars films but I won't bore you with those... I tend to get on a rant and it's just really not that interesting at all...

2:52 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

I had a free preview weekend of Starz! once and that's when I got to see Spiderman, Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, and the first two LOTR movies. They were okay, but yeah, they were exausting.

I got the same feeling from The Matrix Reloaded on cable a week ago.

4:00 PM  
Blogger x said...

i loved LOTR. But i really really think LOTR is the trilogy you should see on the big screen. Otherwise it's a bit boring.

7:12 PM  
Blogger kimberlina said...

lotr is a nice trilogy.

that's all i can say. my boyfriend hates all the really long overhead helicopter shots. hello, creativity much? no more helicoptor shots! yea, new zealand is beautiful, we GET IT already. ;)

3:23 PM  

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