Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Let it flow

I'm sure I read it somewhere and perhaps even alluded to it in a previous post but I think that I think too much at times.

Sports at its purest and by any player of that sport is a wonder to watch when they are in the 'zone'. By that I mean that moment when everything they do is perfect, the technique, the result, all is in perfect harmony. They aren't out thinking themselves with how to do the next move, or where to put the next step, it is all just flowing.

I believe we can find the zone in almost any endeavour but its not easy to find it. Writers know it, painters know it, sculptors, even salesmen I'll bet can allude to it...even computer game players. They are small moments that we transcend our existences.

It has become a struggle to create a picture, I need inspiration or a reference at best. I have been amassing photographic images from all sorts of magazines to be used as reference for the way figures would stand or look. The faces never really look the same in my pictures.

But the days of just doing it without checking a reference seem to be gone especially with the wonder that is the female body.

Everything is thought through now how the arm connects to the torso and wehat the skeletal system is doing to make that shape.

Its a little sad that the freedom that a child exercises in drawing, the magic of just doing it has gone.

And perhaps that's what we are trying to recapture when we put pen to paper...

'And the more I see - the more I know
The more I know - the less I understand.'

-Paul Weller, 'the Changing Man'


Blogger fb said...

Music...I knew I forgot to mention something and it was bugging me!

1:09 PM  
Blogger x said...

all art makes going through changes easier i think.
by the way do you paint?

2:40 PM  
Blogger fb said...

I have been known to paint but have struggled to recently a bit like writers block I thing in that I struggle to find what it I want to paint.

I do keep sketchbooks for my doodles though...

Why do you ask?

2:45 PM  
Blogger x said...

because i would like to see your work

3:00 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

I don't think thinking too much is a fault. I figure that I spend 90% of my time out in the world observing things, maybe 10% creating things, and if only 1% of what I create is something I'm happy with - that is probably okay. (I'm a bit of a perfectionist.)

The important part is to keep thinking, and keep trying, and still take the moment to lie under a tree or under the stars and not think at all every once in a while.

3:54 PM  
Blogger fb said...

I guess there's a guilt attachment to thinking and not having something physical to show for thinking.

4:28 PM  

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