Thursday, September 15, 2005

Dream a little dream...

Of the seven books that I seem to be reading at the same time, I recently found 'The Alchemist' by Paulo Coelho in my bag yesterday. I started reading it again and found this interesting:

'But I'm afraid that it would all be a disappointment, so I prefer just to dream about it'

Is it better to realize ones's dreams? Or is it preferable to dream about thngs.

Maybe I'll find the answer when I finish the book.

It's an interesting idea, is the pursuit of the dream and the realization of it the be all and end all or is the dream always better than the reality or can the reality on occassion surpass the dream?

I may be talking in circles and being a little philosophical or pretentious depending on your point of view.

But i just thought I'd get it out there...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

personally, i think it's "easier" to dream it than live it, or experience that being that reality usually doesn't compare to fantasy or dream.....not in all cases i'm sure, but in most....that being said....what's the fun in only "dreaming"? i mean really, if u live life without taking a risk or two or three or without striving to gain what could be fabulous...then are you "really" living? i think not. not everything is going to measure up to expectation....but once in a while it will....i guess that is worth it. cheers and thx for the killbill idea...i'm so totally into that! ;)

3:38 PM  
Blogger x said...

Dreams are nice. But sometimes, reality rises above them and it's so wonderful that generates lots of dreaming for the years to come. So, live the dream!

9:00 PM  

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