Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Put out to pasture

Somedays I feel like I've been put out to pasture,
My place in the glue factory is ready.
These are days that I get overwhelmed by sadness,
But somehow I make it through the day,
I just hope that tomorrow is not like today.


Blogger Deb said...

This is a great blog. I especially love your shots from the 'hip' that you took. Great photography.

I hope you're feeling better, ...I have days where I get depressed, but think of what you have, and not what you don't have.

God bless!

11:55 PM  
Blogger Pepsicology said...

May a suggest you make a list of thanks at the end of the day? you can start with simple things, ie.: *thanking the sun for keeping your plants alive and the gift of feeling it on your skin -it also increases your vitamin D production and is free-
*thanking the rain for nourishing the fields that you can contemplate on their exuberance afterwards

*thanking the water that arrives to your sink everyday, so you can drink and keep yourself alive

*thanking that you have a house -or you are living in a place with a roof where you can keep yourself warm/fresh -depending on the weather-.
*thanking life for the good things that has given you so far and so on. There is plenty, everyday.

With practice you may start sending out your thanks to people and you'll discover there are so many persons you can be thankful to in your life. It's great, honestly.

And please, if you can:
"Be helpful. When you see a person without a smile give him yours."
-Zig Ziglar-

1:33 AM  

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