Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Beautiful Days...

Beautiful days...the sun is out, peole wear shorts and sleeveless shirts...

Despite all this I find it hard to want to do things, its hard when it seems like there is no reason to get up. It would be so much easier to lie in bed all day but then I would turn into Jabba the Hutt.

My frustration is two fold in that my chosen occupation is freelance and in an industry that has suffered from a lack of production leaving many to wonder what else they could do. The second reason is due to my health which prevents me going full pelt at life.

I have notions and ideas of things that I would like to do but they have become notions and not acts. I have stopped being a do-er and think too much. I imagine doing things but don't do them.

I know what I should do or what I should I try to do but find myself staring into space.

These expressions of my state find themselves on here or on paper in a notebook.

What state am I in? Boredom? Depression? Limbo? Frustration? Procrastination? Uncertainty?


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